Loving All

Loving All

Sunday, April 11, 2010


When I'm alone I always look at my life, pondering, and whispering, how lucky I am. I have a husband who loves me so much and of course I love him to death, a healthy baby Sara (InsyaAllah..), a brilliant cat, great set of parents and in laws, nice home, good career, what else I should be ungrateful...NOTHING. So, one morning, hubby actually told me, how lucky he is, to wake up with his wife by his side and a daughter. Comparing to his past life, he has nothing in life to cherish and yet he's complaining on how sleepy he was. He started telling me how us, as a human being always complaining on little little things and forgetting on appreciating the other major things happening around them. Hm....he opens my eyes. I always complain, how my work sucks sometimes, how little my saving is, so little time I have. The thing is, I think that way but actually, I'm all good. I have everything that I mentioned above. My life is complete. I do want more but I just need to put some efforts to get the 'more' part and at the same time enjoy the life I'm in. Be happy, smile always. Now I'm holding to that motto, I did try and it does works. I felt happy that day, from morning until the end of it. So BE HAPPY, SMILE ALWAYS and the most important, STOP COMPLAINING. It brings nothing to you.

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