Boss: Shallow Waters, takda sapa cuti CNY??
Shallow Waters: Nope, only this, this and this.
Boss: Ok, 3 only. Yati, u x cuti?
Me said: Tak Boss, Im available, need to complete Belud Tender Plan next week.
Boss: Ok, good2.
Monday 31/1/2011
Me as usual went to work, had a nice bfast with my sweet friend Azfar, talking2 abt our pregnancy, yerp both of us were pregnant with d same EDD: 25/2/2011 except she's having a boy & me, girl. Can be couple eh??? Hee~ After bfast kerja as usual, me still very2 active as my work is part of my passion as well. Being a home maker is d greatest job as u are able to take care of your hubby, kids, pets very extremely well and u have no worry at all plus u can take care of yourself too!!! Im fully aware, but human beings are different, hence to be frank, I cant fit in any home maker shoes as I love being an engineer. Then, balik rumah as usual to see my beloved hubby & Sara & Ming my cat.
Tuesday off as Hari Wilayah. I got the feeling Im delivering this week but simpan dlm hati only.
Wednesday 2/2/2011
Routine as Monday & completed my Tender Plan so next was the final thing to do before off to maternity leave, Cili Padi change order paper. I was so excited for my check up next Saturday plus CNY holidays.
Thursday 3/2/2011
Marah a bit as my maid requested for 4 days leave, thats until Sunday the 6th. Discussed with hubby. Hubby gave her condition, once I beranak, no more leave unless baby dah besar sikit.
Friday 4th till Sunday 6th
Very very penat period as our maid was on leave & I had to do everything at 9 months pregnancy. I cooked for Sara, fed her, showered her, pasang diapers (the most challenging part as she kept running away from me whenever she saw me pegang diaper in hand). Neway bagi makan susah as well as she didnt stay at 1 place. Well, she is a very active 1 year old. We did some last minute shopping as preparation before me going into labor.
On Saturday 5th, felt an excruciating pain around my V area, told hubby about it & explain maybe its my pelvic joints. The pain was still there but I still selamba did all the house chores (dunno why suddenly rajin) & dukung2 my 10kg Sara. During lunchtime, went to pee & saw brown stain on my panty liner. Hmmm...with Sara, brown stain was the indicator I was in early labor. Took it lightly, calming myself reminding, the EDD is still far away. Hubby pun mcm calm when I told him, he just kept on reminding me to inform him whenever I want to go to hospital.
On Sunday 6th we went grocery shopping stocking the fridge. I suddenly remember the McD ad I saw in tv3, it was not the usual prosperity burger BUT "DOUBLE" beef!!! Since I already had the feeling I will deliver early, & me tipping the scale of 75kg, I asked hubby to drive thru McD Gombak & tapau the burger, large ok. Oooo how i like that moment where calories & fat are nothing to stress about.

Me at 75kg-pipi mcm pau
Monday 7/2/2011
Sara the night before had some trouble sleeping ended up falling asleep around 12am & me couldnt sleep due to kepanasan yang x terhingga. Neway after i complain that night, hubby decided to buy aircond for our room that morning, before our 2nd baby born to the world. Yeah right! So in the end i fell asleep at 3am. At 4am, woke up due to stomach ache & I thought it was just my normal gassy tummy because I didnt get my dinner as kekenyangan mkn McD. So went back to sleep. Then, pain dtg lagik. The pain come & goes with 20min freq. Hmm lain mcm jak. So went to the toilet & saw patched of fresh blood stain. Calmly told hubby to bersiap ke hospital, because dah experience with Sara & dont wana put high hope m delivering today as I know at the office I have 1 more change order paper to deal with. We mandi2 & wangi2, me siap with office attire in case false labor went to PCMC at 5ish am.
Reached post~
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