Miss Sara Alvina

My little girl my first princess. Its pretty easy when i delivered her, assisted by 2 midwives and Dr Seri. I remembered it was on Friday during Raya Haji when the contraction started to get stronger and frequent (its been a week i started to feel pain with 3 false labor). A day before i had my check up with me joking with Dr Seri "if u balik kampung beraya, sapa la nak tlg sambut baby i". There i got to know her kampung is in Keramat only. Duh~. So, I checked in on Friday coz felt my baby dropping like batu jatuh, the MW checked my V using her fingers n it was 3cm dilated. So kena tahan terus dekat labor room. From 8.30pm we (me n hubby) waited siap hubby sleeping on the sofa like a "big" baby. At 9.45am next morning, Saturday, i felt a little pain on my right leg, at d same time cursing why i can still feel pain eventhough i told the MW not to reduce my Epi dose. Dr Seri came at 9.50am, n took a white stick (dunno wats the medical term) n started poking my V. "Hmmm, Yati i dont feel anything, your water bag broke already. U felt tak the water coming out?". I said no and added "im not sure how much Epi dose im getting but i only can wriggle my toes on my right leg only, My left leg is totally numb". She just said not to worry n started to seluk her tangan in my V, tengok2 and excitedly announced "Yati!! I nampak ur baby crowning already. Ok MW get her in position". So there started all the pushing and me screaming reminding the MW to tell me when n how to push. Neway i was being a bit noisy during the labor coz the MW were borak2 n laughing ard while me terkangkang confuse when to push. Alhamdulillah, at 10.02am, with 3 push n little pain, Sara Alvina finally arrived in my swollen arms due to water retention.
Now she is a healthy 15months baby. She is like a painkiller to both of us. Hard to describe the goodness n magics she is bringing to us as they just cant be described. She is our precious gem since 28/11/09.
Neway, one thing i geram during the labor period, the stupid Epi Dr that cucuk my back for 5 times just to insert the tube. Thats the worst pain of the whole process.

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