Arrival at PCMC emergency section at 5.30ish am on 7/2/2011
PCMC Admin Staff: Yes Puan, how can we help you?
Me: Im in labor (dgn muka seposen).
Staff: Ok. (muka blur-male staff). Can i get your name please and the admission letter from your doctor.
Me: Noorhayati Jemeli but I dont have the letter. Im early.
Staff: Owh ok. Wait a moment. Nurse....
Nurse: Puan dh berapa minggu?
Me: 37 wks plus. I know im in labor coz dah ada brown discharge and (hubby mencelah)..yeah and her contractions are 20mins apart kan bb?
Me: yerp.
Nurse: ok. Ada bawa mothers book?
Me: ada. Here. My doc is Dr Seri.
Nurse: oooo Dr Seri. Ok. We get you a wheel chair.
Me: nak kena wheel chair ke?? Orite, fine.
So then, i was wheeled up to Level 6 (terkenang time Sara dolok) and straight to labor room.
The MW checked my V thru da seluk method and was told I was 3cm dilated. They told me I will masuk bilik biasa first. Ok. Fine. MW insert the ubat poopoop and 5mins later i ran to da toilet to empty my bowel. Put on CTG and started monitoring my contractions. Rasa period pain only, eceh, still managable.
At 6.30, MW informed me dont have to check in bilik, just stay in labor room, Dr Seri suruh. I ok la. And told them to get me bfast as I was so hungry. Lama la jugak waiting to dilate (my first thought). They only monitor my contractions after that. No more seluk. At 8.30, Dr Epi dtg cucuk Epi.
Dr Epi: good morning!!
Me & hubby: Good morning Dr.
Dr Epi: Ok now we are going to do Epi procedure...yada yada yada...ok. Lets get ready.
Me: hold on. Is it painful?
Dr Epi: aik, you went thru this before right? For your 1st baby?
Me: yeah, it was a nightmare (5 times cucuk tarik cucuk tarik da tube kkkkk).
Dr Epi: Not this time. Only a little pain at first but not so painful. Just relax k. Hubby, hold puan hands please.
Cucuk2 begins but it was so cepat, and just perfect only rasa ngilu a bit when the ubat started flowing. Neway, this Epi doctor was different from the prev exp. Last time male doctor, 1st impression mmg kelam kabut looks, this female doctor looks so confident when she entered the room.
Bermulalah kelumpuhan yang temporary from waist down. This time I could still wriggle my toes and move from betis down.
MW checked my contractions, me throwing so many questions to them. My Qs:
1. Estimated how many hours my cervix gona fully dilated?
2. Hows my contractions?
3. Can i eat this, that....
4. Why i can still feel pain with Epidural?
5. What time Dr coming in?
6. Why you dont check how much im dilating?
7. I dont remember how to push. You will direct me right?
Haha. In the end the MW penat menjawab soklan 1st as up till lunch time pun x keluar2 baby.

-me still waiting-
At 12.50pm, i started to feel the pain getting intense. Thats why i asked question no 4. The respond, "oo tu sebab u 2nd child. So sakit sikit & plus ubat tu x rata lagi dia flow". Ok. Whatever. So i asked question no 6. The respond "nanti Dr dtg check pukul 1.30pm". Hmm, since dh pukul 12.50pm, I think I shd be ok. So bermulalah episode me gripping the bed punya besi everytime pain dtg, abt 5 mins apart.
Suddenly ard 1pm, "hai Yatiii! What made you come in today??". Ermm...i nak beranak?? Haha. Whatever doctor. Dr Seri checked my V and menjerit, oooo dah bukak 8 cm. She then tried to break my water bag & again, she cucuk nothing. She asked the MW when my water broke. Non can answer. Me too but I think I did feel like I pooped & did tell hubby abt it but segan to ask the MW to clean me up. The MW siap belek2 da kain lapik & tried to peep, saw no poops, meaning dats when my water broke.
Ard 1.15pm the MW & Dr Seri told me to push whenever feel like pushing. About 10 pushes, finally Zeti Amira was born. No rengek at first coz tali pusat terbelit kat neck. Abt 1-2 mins, she gave 1 good cry.

-Zeti fresh from the oven-
Neway, Dr Seri did entertain us with "Coba teka hidung siapa". Haish. But all were smooth. Thank you Dr Seri!
Thank you to Hubby for always being there with me, accompanied me to all my check ups despite ur busy schedule. Let me conquered the bed while youre sleeping outside or on the floor. Teman me enjoy all the cravings till u gained weight too (sorry baby). Tolong drop & pick me at work. And for being patience enuf with my mood swings and unnecessary shoutings. I love so much baby!! Without you Im not happy. Apa nak ka...
Here is Zeti Amira at 42 days~

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