Loving All

Monday, November 8, 2010
A very loya Monday
Today I'm feeling so loya that I tumbled while walking and hit the office wall. Yeah, it's not a good way to start a new week. Right now I'm sitting alone at Signature just to have my me time and get a big breakfast which i don't really enjoy due to my loyaness. Ok eat first.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The last working day of the WEEK!!!Yippee!
Halo and good morning!!! Yerp, I loooove today because tomorrow is Deepavali and it’ll be a HOLIDAY! Yeeehaaarr! Anyway, there’s something I want to share tho, everyday or night on our way back home after fetching Sara at her nursery, we always pass by this flyover and underneath the flyover is a home to a man, who we believed is definitely homeless and in terms of his sanity, we’re not very sure tho. One unique thing about this man, he has his own taste in fashion. He loves to wear spaghetti straps with a pair of leotards (my hubby punya opinion on the current “legging” trend). The colour must be the same and its soo tight and to be frank, he looks like he’s not wearing anything but protected by the color of the clothes. I assumed he’s quite hygienic as well as he wears the same fashion style but in different colors for each different day. I think he bought those from nearby a Giant Hypermarket. Anyway, I guess he loves the style so much, can’t blame him tho, at least he’s following the legging trend now.
It’s very common of me to think what I’m going to have for breakfast and will ended up with Nasi Lemak as I dislike Bihun goreng sold in KLCC, lagikla Mee goreng sidak. Very tasteless and some too spicy but tasteless. So for today, I stopped by at Coffee & Spice and bought their RM3 Nasi Lemak and OMG RM5.30 Teh Ice???????!!!! I didn’t realize it’s RM5.30, come on!!!! for a TEH AISSS???Damn you shop! Oooo…now I realized that most of the cafĂ© in KLCC are charging more on their drinks compare to their food. Sekhal la, the rent here is expensive, understood. Weird thing was, I noticed the workers are Mat Saleh. Hmmm, selalu nak macam Endon or Myanmar, but this is Mat Saleh. They prepare all of the local drinks but I don’t think the local dish la. Chef nya cam malay jak, nang malay 100%. Tapi, it’s pretty amazing la, they REALLY know how to prepare The Tarik from the raw tea dust. I think only me that’s amazed by that as I’m quite not the expert when in dapur, mmg sik pegi ka dapur selain molah milo, teh boh, goreng2 and nak tunok2 jak.
Ok la, for now that’s it. Nothing much to write anymore, but AGAIN…I am so free~~
It’s very common of me to think what I’m going to have for breakfast and will ended up with Nasi Lemak as I dislike Bihun goreng sold in KLCC, lagikla Mee goreng sidak. Very tasteless and some too spicy but tasteless. So for today, I stopped by at Coffee & Spice and bought their RM3 Nasi Lemak and OMG RM5.30 Teh Ice???????!!!! I didn’t realize it’s RM5.30, come on!!!! for a TEH AISSS???Damn you shop! Oooo…now I realized that most of the cafĂ© in KLCC are charging more on their drinks compare to their food. Sekhal la, the rent here is expensive, understood. Weird thing was, I noticed the workers are Mat Saleh. Hmmm, selalu nak macam Endon or Myanmar, but this is Mat Saleh. They prepare all of the local drinks but I don’t think the local dish la. Chef nya cam malay jak, nang malay 100%. Tapi, it’s pretty amazing la, they REALLY know how to prepare The Tarik from the raw tea dust. I think only me that’s amazed by that as I’m quite not the expert when in dapur, mmg sik pegi ka dapur selain molah milo, teh boh, goreng2 and nak tunok2 jak.
Ok la, for now that’s it. Nothing much to write anymore, but AGAIN…I am so free~~
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Slow year end
Currently I'm sitting here@La Cucur enjoying my so not tasty breakfast alone. It's very rare for me to have breakfast on the spot, I rather 'tapau' and eat at my workstation. Well that's me. I don't spend much time gossiping or lepaking for hours as I'm not much a talker. But today is different as seriously I have nothing much to do. My works are all done and just waiting for the next discussion with my bosses somewhere later than I expected. So apa lagik la, dengan perangey urg yang x reti duduk diam depan pc. Mulala carik benda lain pale ngisi masa yang so terluang of mine.
Nak madah I'm a workaholic, I'm not. But 1st let me define workaholic based on my dictionary. Workaholic for me is someone that only cares about work and doesn't bother to socialize, doesn't spend time with family and no hobby at all. So, I'm not a workaholic as I care so much of my families especially my hot n sexy hubby and my lovely daughter. Plus, I'm carrying another one at the moment. Yippee!! Tp, the thing abt me not spending time on works during working hours just doesn't feel great. I love challenging assignments, very short deadline. Haish, whatever lah since dah time low peak now just enjoy da moment lah.
Still at La Cucur. Hmm, bila la nak survey bday present Mummy tok. I feel like calling my sis in Kuching to join me surveying the Coach boutique. Embak org lain x best. I tried many times asking my colleagues to tmn me shop2 bt not fun at all. Nak buat canna dah I'm a very lone ranger punya org. So no offense to all, I'm not sombong, I just love to do things alone as kurang remeh, can do watever I want and save more time. Adoih, br 11am. Fine lah, naitlah. Dhla coverage kureng at level 59. Hmm kaktok cont gik. We'll see....
Nak madah I'm a workaholic, I'm not. But 1st let me define workaholic based on my dictionary. Workaholic for me is someone that only cares about work and doesn't bother to socialize, doesn't spend time with family and no hobby at all. So, I'm not a workaholic as I care so much of my families especially my hot n sexy hubby and my lovely daughter. Plus, I'm carrying another one at the moment. Yippee!! Tp, the thing abt me not spending time on works during working hours just doesn't feel great. I love challenging assignments, very short deadline. Haish, whatever lah since dah time low peak now just enjoy da moment lah.
Still at La Cucur. Hmm, bila la nak survey bday present Mummy tok. I feel like calling my sis in Kuching to join me surveying the Coach boutique. Embak org lain x best. I tried many times asking my colleagues to tmn me shop2 bt not fun at all. Nak buat canna dah I'm a very lone ranger punya org. So no offense to all, I'm not sombong, I just love to do things alone as kurang remeh, can do watever I want and save more time. Adoih, br 11am. Fine lah, naitlah. Dhla coverage kureng at level 59. Hmm kaktok cont gik. We'll see....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Getting back on track....
Lamak juak x nulis dalam blog tok, but since i'm now full with mood swings & unecessary stress which mostly sendirik punya pasal, i really need a place to say everything i want & whatever in mind.
Firstly may i list out the things i need to do by end of this year:
1. Settle all my claims (banyak k)
2. Settle all my claims again for medicals (banyak juak)
3. Decision whether to change the car
4. Buy one persian cat for Ming to be friend with
5. Decide to ambik maid ka sik
6. Contact Iree touch for pantang since hubby sponsor
7. Buy a vacuum cleaner
8. Buy a designer bag for Mummy (sharing basis with Juje & Jolly)
Ok, so far these are important. Hope at least i can complete the first two which i have to no matter what the circumstances are.
Yeah anyway, i was busy with my toing toing & hubby but now i'm so busy with toing toing, hubby, ming & little kiddo in my tummy. Yeah...i'm pregnant again. What else to say, Alhamdulillah, it's our rezeki. This kiddo of ours is super active compare to toing toing when she's in my tummy. Two different O&G had tried to tell us the gender, one boy, one girl & the funny thing is, my 'OWN' O&G consultant still can't tell whether this kiddo is boy or girl. For me, i still think it's a boy although after the detail scan being done (result: Girl). Whatever la...janji sempurna sifat, dun mind but still i think it's a boy. Adoi kepak juak naip. Kaktok continue lagik.
Firstly may i list out the things i need to do by end of this year:
1. Settle all my claims (banyak k)
2. Settle all my claims again for medicals (banyak juak)
3. Decision whether to change the car
4. Buy one persian cat for Ming to be friend with
5. Decide to ambik maid ka sik
6. Contact Iree touch for pantang since hubby sponsor
7. Buy a vacuum cleaner
8. Buy a designer bag for Mummy (sharing basis with Juje & Jolly)
Ok, so far these are important. Hope at least i can complete the first two which i have to no matter what the circumstances are.
Yeah anyway, i was busy with my toing toing & hubby but now i'm so busy with toing toing, hubby, ming & little kiddo in my tummy. Yeah...i'm pregnant again. What else to say, Alhamdulillah, it's our rezeki. This kiddo of ours is super active compare to toing toing when she's in my tummy. Two different O&G had tried to tell us the gender, one boy, one girl & the funny thing is, my 'OWN' O&G consultant still can't tell whether this kiddo is boy or girl. For me, i still think it's a boy although after the detail scan being done (result: Girl). Whatever la...janji sempurna sifat, dun mind but still i think it's a boy. Adoi kepak juak naip. Kaktok continue lagik.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Weekend with Sara: Just the two of us and MING
I've been trying to be on time in updating this blog of mine but is not successful yet. I aimed to keep it update daily and will try to do so, finger cross. :)
Well, my hubby is still in Vietnam today and will be home later this evening. Hence, there were me, Sara and Ming enjoying the not so enjoyable weekend.
Saturday was a nice day and i learned a lot about my own daughter development. Pity me, that I did not notice my own daughter abilities with the fact how so little time hubby and I spend with her during weekdays. Last weekend I just realized she can hold her own bottle, aku siap pegang the botol for her while parking my car. So for this Saturday, I found out she can guling guling at all sides despite I'd been telling my colleagues how she won't just roll her body and only managed to lie still and angkat her kaki. Mummy is so sorry Sara, Mummy undermine you. She can laugh now, giggles, look at Mummy knowingly and smiles, roll her body if she wants milk, shouts whenever loosing the sight of Mummy. She can even shout at Ming whenever Ming at her sight. Wow, a lot of developments in just one weekend.
Although it's interesting, we still miss Papa so much and it's weekend but he's not with us, felt incomplete. But then, the day got worst (for me la) suddenly I could feel my throat swelling. Damn! So before it got worst, I washed Sara's clothes, her bottles, kemas kemas rumah here and there, power pumping for one hour, then settled down.
So on Sunday morning, I barely could speak. My body was weak (still a bit weak now), headache, neck aching and my throat was burning. Still, I know I won't be able to go to the clinic as Hubby not around. Took 2 paracetamol and lie down for a moment. Sara was shouting, I ignored her. Rested for 5 minutes, then layan Sara, changed her diaper, played with her and lots of other things. Well, my Sara is very playful, quite naughty, loves me to carry her around and famous for her loud shouting. As a mother, although I was weak, I could not not entertain her. There was one point, I could not get up but she was crying, so I forced myself, now I really understand why "Syurga Di Telapak Kaki IBU". It's not just the 9 months pregnancy but the whole life of a child, the mother will always try to make sure the child is safe and is always hoping for the best of the child.
So today, I took Med Leave as I know by going to work will make it worst due to air conditioned office. Dropped Sara at the nursery, went to the clinic (finally): excitedly I sprayed my swollen tonsil with the medication given by the doctor in the car, then spend the day resting. I need my energy back by tomorrow for one discussion with my boss.
Anyway, while resting, I cooked a few of my favorites, Cendawan Goreng and Tempe with Pusuk.
Cendawan Goreng
Tempe with Pusuk (Ikan Bilis)
The recipe is so simple I found in Rasa magazine and the internet.
Cendawan Goreng - Mix the blackpepper with the well beaten egg (include salt as well), dip the mushroom in the mixture, dip again in the corn flour, then just fry it. Wallaaaa....simple but delicious. Good for snacking.
Tempe with Pusuk (anchovies) - I simplified it by using the ready made sambal (mixture of chilli, onion, garlic), add a little oil in the sambal and stir until you can smell the aroma, add tempe and anchovies (all fried up first), add one tablespoon of air asam jawa, add a bit of belacan, then kacau altogether. Then add some brown sugar, then kacau again. Wait until everything is nicely mixed and cooked, angkat and MAKAN!!! Nice for lunch or dinner or even snacking like I did!
While I did all of these cooking, Ming2 the busybody cat always being her busybody self.
Ming at the Wet Kitchen
Ming at the Dry Kitchen
Well Ming is my BESTFRIEND!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
When I'm alone I always look at my life, pondering, and whispering, how lucky I am. I have a husband who loves me so much and of course I love him to death, a healthy baby Sara (InsyaAllah..), a brilliant cat, great set of parents and in laws, nice home, good career, what else I should be ungrateful...NOTHING. So, one morning, hubby actually told me, how lucky he is, to wake up with his wife by his side and a daughter. Comparing to his past life, he has nothing in life to cherish and yet he's complaining on how sleepy he was. He started telling me how us, as a human being always complaining on little little things and forgetting on appreciating the other major things happening around them. Hm....he opens my eyes. I always complain, how my work sucks sometimes, how little my saving is, so little time I have. The thing is, I think that way but actually, I'm all good. I have everything that I mentioned above. My life is complete. I do want more but I just need to put some efforts to get the 'more' part and at the same time enjoy the life I'm in. Be happy, smile always. Now I'm holding to that motto, I did try and it does works. I felt happy that day, from morning until the end of it. So BE HAPPY, SMILE ALWAYS and the most important, STOP COMPLAINING. It brings nothing to you.
Weekend with Hubby, Sara and Bapak
It's been a while, AGAIN!!!Have not updated my blog. I tried during my working hours but damn the IT people blocked the access. Ok, I shouldn't blame them, working hours, I'm supposed to be working. Anyhoo..(My hubby loves to use this term as he's soooo into SCRUBS!), Bapak actually came to KL as he needs to settle his Legend Hotel membership, where he decided to sell it. Hubby and I accompanied him to the marketing consultant office at Philleo Damansara near the Stars office but in different block. I've never been to that area and I find the environment is quite different compare to KLCC. It's full with red-brick colour with a dash of classiness on the building design. Unfortunately, as Bapak and I stepped into the consultant's office (Hubby waited in the car), the space is pretty small to be a consultant's office and seems untidy. We were directed to a 6x6 ftsq room with a small table fan, but, the good thing is, we were treated by a friendly employee (she's a marketing background anyway, must be friendly to all her customer) with a boyish style, yes, she's a female employee, dressing as a male. Bapak even mistook her as a guy. Well, the discussion, evaluation, decision making took around 2 hours. Interesting experience as I managed to learn a few financing/marketing terms that I've heard but never have the chance to understand it. The manager was nice and we hope that they will be able to find a buyer for that membership. Bapak rarely used it and I found him under utilized it. It's better he keeps the money in his ASB or in my ASB..hahahaha.
After his long waited in the car (Hubby la), he took us to Gulatis to buy my sister's kain. Pink and off-white chiffon. She wanted the washable and it's not that pricey comparing to the dry cleaning chiffon. I told the salesgirl on the kain that I wanted to purchase, instead she replied that they don't have the washable chiffon and she started to unrolled the pink and off-white dry-clean chiffon bundles. The price is around RM25/m, pretty expensive to pay if I wanted to get 4m out of it. So, I called my super kain-genius sister, Ju for her opinion. One thing about my sister, she really knows how to choose kain in terms of the colours and designs. Sometimes (actually most of the times), even cheap kain, looks expensive. Back to her opinion, she said the salesgirl is lying, as there is the washable chiffon. So, I told the salesgirl to get me kain that feels like chiffon at cheaper price. I think she changed her mind on selling high prices fabric only (better than nothing), she directed me to a another corner where the cheaper range of fabrics located, and there are lots of other chiffon, some more, washable chiffon. She malu2 introduced me the prices of the fabrics. In the end, I only paid RM51 for 4m of pink chiffon and 2m of off white chiffon. Worth it!!!
For lunch, hubby brought Bapak and me to a Thai restaurant located near Taman Melati. It was a nice restaurant, with Thai deco but the food is OK, and I can get a cheaper price for that kind of taste. We ordered, kerapu masak tiga rasa, telur bungkus, mix vege, tom yam campur and ayam halia, carrot milk juice and ice lemon tea.
I didn't mention Sara at all as she's at the nursery and after lunch, we picked her up. I gave her kakak 3ozx3 pack of milk and was hoping she'll return back 1 pack. I was quite surprised Sara finished them all as we dropped her around 9am and picked her up around 330pm, 7 hours. Usually, she'll drink 1 bottle every 3 hours. Now she's giving me indication to express more. Hardwork2!!!There goes me and my pump, pumping pumping....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tapau Dinner at Tawakal Restoran Mamak
It's common for us being so indecisive whenever it comes to lunch and dinner. I think, we had eaten everything from fast to very healthy food in KL. As for our dinner just now, we'd decided to tapau from this one mamak's near our place, Restoran Tawakal. One garlic nan with chicken Tandoori and one USA fried rice. The nan and tandoori is the best so far at this Sri Gombak's area, and as for USA fried rice, I have no idea how it tasted like but it did look kinda tasty, the actual taste, ask my hubby.
Along the way i observed, my sweet little Sara. She was quiet but was jumping in excitement. Despite, her frequent shouting whenever we tried to put her down at home. Seems it's proven, she likes to jalan - jalan and easily gets bored if we stay in all day long. Mummy kaki jalan, anak pun kaki jalan. Well we're a team now and Papa has to join us no matter what.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hi, it's 2010 and I was born in 1984. Yes, I am 26 years old this year, owning a degree and now working in the oil and gas industry. Married to my husband, Nor Azli on the 7th March 2010 (the GREATEST day of my LIFE). The greatest moment as it then lead to the next and next greatest moments. Delivered Sara Alvina to the world on the 28TH November 2009. In within 1 year, I experienced these two major milestones. My life has changed then. From single, career oriented, selfish, hot tempered person to a Wife and a Mother. It took 1 year for me to adjust and adapt and now I am gaining back all the CONFIDENCE that I had lost during the transition period.
Ok, why am I talking about my life now instead I wanted to say, I'd been trying this blogging thingy but never committed. Ended up, losing all the password and even forgotten my own blog address.
I'm starting again as I need some place to express my feelings, dreams, ideas, as well as my journey as a wife and a mother. I did buy a journal anyway, and I ended up scribbling my work to do list and meetings to coordinate and attend. One might ask what's the purpose of company's organizer, well to tell the truth, I only bring that little dark green leather book around during meetings or discussion session to show my professionalism. Frankly, I still love purple, hot pink and colorful papers to write on. So it's kinda boring to write on plain white paper.
So now, I will try to commit in updating this blog and at the same time, treating this as a Stress Therapy by eliminating all the stress in me and the happier person I will be.
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